Gemstones are beautiful. They're powerful and they're the essence of life manifesting within the earth the blossoms of the mineralogical portion of the year recognition of these energies and forms of crystals can greatly benefit your personal growth.
It is a very basic consciousness not as intricate or advanced that some life on Earth crystals definitely don't have the thinking capacity of humans or even the biological reproductive systems of plants but they are life. These crystals are defined as being a mineralogical body with a characteristic internal structure and enclosed by symmetry of plane faces.
How gemstones work and what are their benefits ?
Crystals and gemstones have a vibration that is free of resistant, 'tetrahedral' they are among some of the structures in the physical dimension which have the most balanced cohesive strong and intentional frequencies there unchanging physical structure is a reflection of their innate energetic pattern of balance and strength which are incorruptible in the physical world. You pick up a crystal and feel it as something separate from you that you're just holding the. Higher frequencies you're actually interacting with that stone energetically this interaction then causes changes to your structure and psychology through your own energetic system to begin the process of re-balancing the energetic structure of your body and in a sense can't help you heal.
Gemstones your friend or foe ?
Now, consciousness is of course the determining factor of if you are going to be accepting of these new frequencies coming into your being through crystals. I'm not going to say crystals will heal you. Because if you fight them and are not receptive to these frequencies you will continue to create the disharmony within yourselves ultimately those crystals can be used to return your whole being back to a state of harmony and flow crystals have been used and revered since the dawning of civilization in fact the Christian Bible refers to crystals over two hundred times precious stones were used in the foundation of New Jerusalem.
Gemstone, history and their Significance
But scientifically it doesn't make sense. Would you believe it if I said that pretty much all of modern computing technology was based on a living element of crystals consider the radio the first radio with a crystal set they would cut a piece of quartz crystal and touch a wire to it. The frequencies transmitted through the crystal.
Nobel Prize winner Marshall Vogel discovered that crystal can be reprogrammed as silicon chips in a computer say can also be programmed with the energy of consciousness. He discovered that when a person uses a computer stuff to transmit it into the computer by pressing on a keyboard. That information is stored in silicon chips of the media electricity thought is a form of energy which can be given directions through what we call intention.
He concluded due to this discovery that crystals could also be programmed to felt the need for electricity by using just thoughts of the informational energy.
Another interesting find is that quartz is composed of silicon and oxygen a combination known to geologists and the building blocks of all minerals a living. Element within crystals is silicon science found in the fifty's that silicon shows the same principles of life as carbon exactly one octave down on the periodic table from carbon is silicon sponges deep in the ocean made from one hundred percent still attempts were also discovered which shows that silicon life doesn't just work in theory but they actually exist right here on this planet but get this the earth's crust itself is made out of silicon. It's twenty five percent silicon. Silicon bonds with just about everything. So the Earth's crust is actually roughly eighty percent silicon compound were literally floating in the middle of space on a giant crystal ball the term of Mother Earth. the entire planet itself is a conscious living being. She's aware of you and everything going on in her body the energies within crystals are universal.
Therefore when you connect with a mineral and are open to receiving what it has to offer and you get to play creatively through your higher self. You can contact and synthesize the energies from which the entire universe is comprised This is why crystals are so powerful and why they must only be used to the highest consciousness of the individual right intention during the use of crystals further serves to connect your personal energy with that of the crystal Kingdom helping you get to a place of love of light and the good of all although each and every one of us has an infinite power of the Universe within the self.
We as humans always like having that support from something external from us every crystal form has its own individual energy and its own personality each can be used in unit. It's to assist one in understanding the nature of existence or moving forward on our own life path destiny as we're consciously experiencing and I feel that right now as people are waking up. We're becoming more and more aware of our ancient knowledge and wisdom part of that information that is returning to us is the nature of crystals. I see crystals as being very monumental in the evolution of human they could
provide a lot of love light and insight for many who are struggling with their own inner demons in the coming time. Things are getting more and more intense but it's also providing people with the opportunities that they need to raise their own vibrations and frequencies to a level of light happiness healing has to come from within.
So, where we can get crystals. Well there are several options
The easiest this probably just to find a local metaphysical stuff there. Usually at least one or two if not more metaphysical shops in every city you can find tons of pocket stones usually ranging from fifty cents to two or three dollars and of course the bigger and bigger crystals you get the more expensive they become . Also I feel it's important that if you have crystals and you want to learn what they are simply do a google search for Crystal properties. There are websites where you can find gemstones according to weight and date of birth.
There are tons of sites on the web which provide information on the particular frequencies or personalities of crystals and gemstones are one of the most powerful tools available for us in the physical dimension right now. If we consciously recognize that our own electromagnetic fields are impacted by the energetic quality of each crystal and stone we would see that they create an alchemical response within our own bodies and psychology which would allow us to use them as the powerful tools that they are we could use them. On a daily basis to promote health awareness growth and evolution present ourselves and the multidimensional life.
There are tons of sites on the web which provide information on the particular frequencies or personalities of crystals and gemstones are one of the most powerful tools available for us in the physical dimension right now. If we consciously recognize that our own electromagnetic fields are impacted by the energetic quality of each crystal and stone we would see that they create an alchemical response within our own bodies and psychology which would allow us to use them as the powerful tools that they are we could use them. On a daily basis to promote health awareness growth and evolution present ourselves and the multidimensional life.